Common Female Pelvic Floor Conditions


At least 1/3 of all women and 1/2 of women over age 50 will experience some form of pelvic floor symptoms at least once their lifespan


Does this apply to you?

  • Difficulty with tampons or pain with sexual intercourse (vaginismus, vulvodynia)

  • Discomfort or pain sitting for long periods of time (tailbone pain, coccydynia)

  • Chronic pelvic pain affecting your outlook or quality of life (interstitial cystitis, endometriosis)


Are you experiencing any of this?

  • Leaking while coughing/sneezing or jumping

  • Sensation that you the bladder is not emptying completely

  • Leaking when you have the sensation of peeing

  • Leaking with the urge of running to the restroom


What about these sensations?

  • Feeling of heaviness or pressure (pelvic organ prolapse) when walking, running, or any of your usual activities

  • Feeling that you can’t control your bowel with or without activities (fecal incontinence)

  • Straining or have constipation during a bowel movement?


If you have answer YES to any of these — pelvic floor physical therapy treatment is for you!