Prenatal & Postpnatal Care


In France the government provides all women with pelvic floor physical therapy — la rééducation périnéale — to restore the pelvic floor and retrain the abdominal muscles following the birth of a child.

Many parts of Europe, pelvic floor physical therapy has been the standard of care and culturally adopted as a normal part of a woman’s postnatal journey!


The First - The Third Trimester …

Your body is going through many changes, let me help you with

  • Prepare your pelvic floor and body for labor and delivery

  • Maintain or gain mobility safely & effectively

  • Reduce low back, pelvic girdle pain to make the birth process that much easier!


The Fourth Trimester…

Let me help your body as you adjust to your new life as new parent(s) …

  • Scar management: C-scar, episiotomy scar

  • Get the strength back to your pelvic floor

  • Help you engage your CORE in the right way (diastasis rectus abdominis)

  • Return to any exercise or any physical activities safely as guided by a professional